Trying Out Jokes at Cook’s Pest Control

Wade Kilgore and I are just back from Birmingham where I had the opportunity to speak at the company meeting for Cook’s Pest Control. This is an industry leader, respected throughout the South, an established company led by wise and gifted folks. I spoke about coffee, specifically about starting each day with a cup of JFG:  Joy, Friendliness, and Gratitude.

I thought it’d be appropriate to share a couple of coffee stories, but they might have been a little lukewarm.  I’d like to see what you think.

The other day, Jack told me he’d gone down to Wal-Mart to get a new coffee-maker, and he found one with lots of features.  Returning home, he pulled the thing out of the box, took off the wrapping, and read the directions.  It said you could put the coffee in the basket, put the water in the back of the machine, set the timer, go to bed, and when you got up your coffee would be ready.  I saw Jack a few days later and asked him how he liked his coffee maker.  “Oh,” he said, “it’s wonderful except for one thing.  I don’t understand why I have to go to bed every time I want to make a pot of coffee.”

I tried a cup of his coffee. “This coffee tastes like dirt,” I said.  “That’s funny,” Jack replied, “It was just ground this morning.”

You’d think people would be rolling out of their chairs over those jokes, wouldn’t you???