Regardless of your circumstances or feelings, one thing never changes: you can trust God because He keeps His promises. In Great is Thy Faithfulness, Pastor Rob Morgan reminds us through 52 devotions that our loving God can be trusted to always follow through on what He says He will do.
Pastor Morgan has experienced beauty and grace in some of life’s most difficult moments with rock-solid faith. Through scripture, stories, and personal experience, he demonstrates that this faith is possible only when we understand the overwhelming faithfulness and love of God.
From cover to cover, the Bible proclaims God’s trustworthiness. Come settle your soul as you discover the unshakeable truth that not a single promise of God can be broken. Indeed, great is His faithfulness to you.
About the Author
Robert J. Morgan is a writer and speaker who serves as the teaching pastor at The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville. He is the author of The Red Sea Rules, The Strength You Need, Reclaiming the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation, Then Sings My Soul, and many other titles, with more than 4.5 million copies in circulation.
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