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The book 100 Bible Verses That Made America tells 100 stories of Scripture’s influence on American history. This ten-part video study is meant to supplement the book and is geared towards individuals or small groups. It includes a free downloadable study guide to walk you and participants through each session.
In each 20-25m video, Rob selects a Scripture that influenced American History and teaches through the Bible passage itself (allowing the participants to read the accompanying story from American history on their own). This means you or your group will learn about American History and its biblical roots, growing deeper in your knowledge of the Scriptures that made America!
Our church small group has absolutely LOVED going through this book and learning from Robert J. Morgan in the video sessions! He has such a wonderful teaching gift, opening up Scriptures in new ways that I have never thought of or realized. This book has been extremely timely for us considering the current state of our nation. it has greatly encouraged us to stand firm in our faith!