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In this video series meant for individuals or groups, Rob teaches the background and outline of Romans, focuses on Romans 8:28 as an incredible, all-inclusive, all-powerful, and always available promise. He traces the Romans 8:28 principle through other scriptures, and offers practical applications and illustrative stories. The accompanying book can be found here, and its free downloadable study guide is available here.
What if you knew—what if you really knew—that everything that happened to you would eventually work for good in your life?
Would it change the way you felt, thought, and lived?
Dramatically! That’s the unstoppable power of Romans 8:28, the ultimate promise in the Bible, that all things work for the good of those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 can touch any hurt and redeem any problem. It isn’t a mere platitude but a divine promise. Romans 8:28 morphs us into resilient, cheerful people, whatever our temperament.
I read the book, then decided this study too important to not not go through it with my wife again with the videos and study guide. Dr. Morgan’s thorough treatment of this greatest of God’s promises has changed my perspective and faith about God’s involvement in all things.