Let’s bring back Scripture memory!
Last year I preached a 52-week series of sermons on 100 Bible verses everyone should know by heart. This year, the series has come out in book form and is now available. The first part of the book is devoted to the benefits and techniques of Scripture memory. The last (and larger) portion of the book is a review of 100 Bible verses everyone on earth should know by heart.
You’ll find it helpful for personal, group, or church use. We’re working now on study guides for LifeGroups, Bible study groups, or Sunday Schools. And I’m sure that some intrepid pastor out there would love to use it to launch a churchwide campaign emphasizing Scripture memory.
When we memorize a word, phrase, line, or verse from God’s Word, it’s like implanting a powerful radioactive speck of the very Mind of God into our own finite brains. As we review it or hear it spoken again, it sinks deeper into our noodles. As we learn it “by heart” it descends into the hidden crevices and fissures of our souls. As we meditate on it, it begins sending out its quiet, therapeutic waves of influence. And, as the apostle Paul said, we are transformed by the renewing of our thoughts.”
That’s why the Lord commands us in Proverbs 7:1-3: “Treasure my commands… write them on the tablet of your heart.”
And that’s why He promises in the first Psalm that as we internalize His word and mull over it day and night, we’ll be successful, converting His logic into our lives. We’ll be like apple trees planted by rivers of water, bearing fruit in season, with leaves that don’t wither; and whatever we do will prosper.
For more information about this resource, click here. To purchase in heavily-discouted case lots, click here.