A Bible Correspondence Course for Your Kids

  Here’s a “shout out” to all our friends at Child Evangelism Fellowship. Last weekend I was in Charleston, SC, participating in a weekend retreat for CEF friends; and the more I heard, the more excited I became. Their slogan is Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day. Most people (about 80 percent) who come to faith in Christ are saved before the age of fifteen. For over 70 years, CEF has been the world’s foremost missions organization dedicated to child evangelism. They’re famous for their 5-Day Clubs and Good News Clubs. These two exciting ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers all over the world. These fast-paced, one-hour programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment.

Last year through these and other ministries, over 10 million children worldwide heard the good news with over one million making professions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

How many missions organizations on earth can report a million professions of faith in a single year?

If you’re a parent of an elementary child, please consider helping your child enroll in CEF’s free Bible Correspondence Course. It’s called the Mailbox Club. Your children will receive a free Bible lesson that they can complete and send back in. It will be graded, marked, and commented upon by one of CEF’s countless volunteers, and then the next lesson will be sent.

Recently I visited CEF’s headquarters near St. Louis and watched a hundred volunteers from all over country—many of them retired people—who take a week and come to CEF where they sit at tables, open children’s lessons, read them, comment on them, write a personal note, and send it back with the next lesson.

One of CEF’s greatest ministries is afterschool Good New Clubs, which are taking place in over 4,000 of America’s 67,000 public schools. In a landmark decision on June 11, 2001, the Supreme Court of the United States, in a 6 to 3 vote, opened the doors of America’s schools to CEF. The average Good News Club in a school has 39 students, with an average of 7 of them professing faith in Christ.

In the summer, CEF’s 5-Day Clubs take Vacation Bible School into parks and recreation centers all over the United States.

The ministry of CEF circles the globe. Their goal is to have an appointed worker in every nation on earth by 2017. While eighty percent of those who come to Christ do so in childhood, it’s also true that 80 percent of the children of America are not in church. I’m going to keep blogging about CEF, but for now check out their Mailbox Club for your youngster.