Yesterday, Gary Davidson and Frank Couch at Thomas Nelson Publishers gave me a beautiful edition of The Voice, a unique translation of the Bible that combines the insights of scholars with the skill of musicians, poets, and writers to create a fresh and readable version of Scripture. Since my daily devotions are currently in 2 Corinthians, I read chapter 4 of that epistle this morning and discovered I was a cracked pot.
Here’s 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 (The Voice):
The God who spoke light into existence… is the very One who sets our hearts ablaze to shed light on the knowledge of God’s glory revealed in the face of Jesus, the Anointed One.
But this beautiful treasure is contained in us—cracked pots made of earth and clay—so that the transcendent character of this power will be clearly seen as coming from God and not from us.
Everyone knows that cracked pots need more water. Lord, constantly fill us with Your Holy Spirit and send the showers of blessings day and night as we labor for you. We are “cracked and chipped from our afflictions on all sides” (v. 8), but Your living water keeps us fresh and fruitful, even in drought times.