I’m still working day and night on a book based on our Ten-Square sermon series at TDF, and covet your prayers for that. I’d hoped to have it finished by year’s end, but I’m going to need a couple of extra weeks. But pray for skill in writing and success in impact.
In the meantime, there were a couple of encouraging articles in the news today, and as the old year ends we need every encouraging article we can find.
University of Tennessee quarterback Jonathan Crompton has become a Christian. In today’s Baptist Press, we learn that the UT team chaplain led Crompton to Christ on August 25. He baptized him at Sevier Heights Baptist Church in November, and meets with him each week for discipleship training. Crompton said:
I’m more fulfilled. It’s made it a lot easier for me on and off the field. I don’t have to do all the work. It’s all on Him. This season has been different in a good way….
It’s amazing. Jesus has given His life. He was kind enough to forgive us of our sins. No one is perfect. I want to keep moving forward and to get stronger every day in my walk with Him.
The whole article is here.
The other great story is in the Christian Post. Two million people in Tanzania now have access for the first time to the story of Christ’s birth in their own language. Wycliffe Bible Translators finished their work on the Christmas story from Luke’s Gospel for nine language groups in the Mara region of northwest Tanzania. For more on this story, click here.
May 2010 bring many more stories of advance for the Kingdom, one by one, tribe by tribe.
Happy New Year