Greetings from Venice!

No, not that Venice.  Katrina and I are in Venice, Florida, where I spoke twice last night and four times this morning.  Afterward, we had quiche at a wonderful sidewalk cafe in bright 80-degree sunshine.  I got a little more sunshine by the pool at midafteroon, and then we met our friends, Billy and Darlene Melvin, for supper.  Tomorrow I speak twice, and then we’re checking out of Venice and heading to Orlando for a brief vacation before heading home.

The material for my messages has come from Romans 8:28 and from my book, The Promise.  Have you ever noticed that the Bible does not have a single chapter devoted to the heroes of love or to a listing of miracle workers?  There’s no roll-call in the Bible for the stalwarts of success.  But we do have a chapter (Hebrews 11) devoted to the heroes of FAITH.  God expects us to trust Him, and without faith it is impossible to please Him.  Faith is the ability to keep a good attitude in bad times.  It’s being strong of spirit in adverse circumstances.  Without adversity, faith has no environment in which to flourish.  But as Wesley put it:  “Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, and trusts in God alone.  /  Laughs at life’s impossibilities and cries, ‘It shall be done!'”