Last month, my lovely wife, Katrina, suffered acute chest pains, and subsequent tests showed that she had two faulty heart valves. This Wednesday, she is scheduled for full-blown open-heart surgery at Vanderbilt Medical Center. She’s checking in on Tuesday and the operation is planned for eight o’clock Wednesday morning. If all goes well, she’ll likely be in the hospital several days, followed by several months of recovery. The complicating factor is her multiple sclerosis, because whenever she is immobilized for a period of time she tends to lose whatever strength, flexibility, and mobility she has; and it’s difficult to get it back.
She and I, after having discussed it at length, have decided to assume the best. Once her heart is functioning well again (the doctor is amazed she’s not had fainting spells due to insufficient blood getting into the heart) and with her new MS medication, we’re just going to assume she will bounce back with a level of strength she’s not had for several years.
We think that, as a general rule, faith in the Lord translates into assuming the best on earth, with an awareness that He works all things for good whatever the outcome.
Many people have asked how they could help. I honestly don’t know. But we are so grateful for everyone’s prayers and loving support. I’ll use this blog to post her updates. Thanks for your prayers for her on Wednesday.