If I’ve ever preached before from Isaiah 53, I can’t remember it. The passage is so pointed, poignant, and passion-filled that I’ve never felt I could do it justice. Finally I took up the challenge, and here is the outline I used. I’m posting it in the hopes it may be useful to you in studying, preaching, or teaching. The entire message is available here.
Man of Sorrows, What a Name!
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Introduction: Isaiah has been called the “Fifth Gospel.” The coming of the Messiah is a theme that runs like a golden ribbon through the 66 chapters of this book.
1. This Passage is Prophetic
We see here proof of our Lord’s identity. The book of Isaiah dates to about 700 years before Christ, yet this chapter give us 41 details of our Lord’s Passion:
1) He will be an descendant of David, springing up from the dry root of the Davidic dynasty (compare Isaiah 11:1)
2) He will be the Servant of Jehovah God
3) He will demonstrate the power of God
4) He will demonstrate the wisdom of God
5) He will be truthful in His character
6) He will be nonviolent in His cause
7) He will be noticed by kings and will confound them
8) He will not be majestic in appearance but humble
9) He will be rejected
10) He will be despised
11) He will be oppressed and afflicted
12) He will be a Man of Sorrows
13) He will be familiar with suffering
14) He will not explain Himself during His trial
15) He will not defend Himself before rulers
16) He will die and be cut off from the land of the living
17) His death will be divinely appointed
18) His death will involve scourging
19) His death will involve piercing
20) His death will involve bruising
21) He will be crushed
22) He will die with thieves, between transgressors
23) His death will be punishing
24) His death will be appalling
25) His death will involve disfigurement
26) People will hid their faces in horror and disgust
27) His body would be marred beyond recognition
28) He will be buried in the donated grave of a wealthy man
29) Then there will be a prolonging of His days
30) After His suffering He will return to life to see the light of life
31) He will be satisfied and fulfilled at the moment of resurrection
32) He will see the results of His work
33) His death will be seen as a guilt offering for sin
34) He will sprinkle many nations with blood
35) He will bear the iniquity of the human race
36) He will take up our infirmities of humanity
37) He will impart healing and peace to the world
38) The will of God will prosper in His hand
39) Many will be justified
40) He will be raised up and lifted up and exalted
41) He will be reckoned great
2. This Passage is Progressive
We see in Isaiah 53 the stages or phases of our Lord’s Passion
1) His Birth and Early Years (vv. 1-2a)
2) His Appearance (v. 2b)
3) His Rejection by Men (v. 3)
4) His Being Forsaken by God (vv. 4)
5) His Scourging (v. 5-6)
6) His Silence (v. 7)
7) His Imprisonment and Death (v. 8 )
8) His Burial (v. 9)
9) His Resurrection (v. 10a)
10) His On-Going Work (v. 10b-11)
11) His Exaltation (v. 12)
3. This Passage is Purposeful
We see here His plan of redemption. The recurring emphasis is “for us” and “our” and “we” and “us.” For example: He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement that brought us peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Conclusion: Man of Sorrows, what a Name / for the Son of God who came, / ruined sinners to reclaim. / Hallelujah! What a Savior.