Off to Alabama

I’m leaving today for a series of messages at the Alabama FWB Pastors and Workers Conference.  Yesterday was a great day at the Donelson Fellowship, with four professions of faith, three good services, and one interesting Discovery Dinner.

Yesterday’s morning message was from Joshua 1:1-9.  The setting has to do with accepting and managing change-chapters in our lives.  Joshua and the Israelites were about to undergo a sea-change in their circumstances.  In chapter 1, the Lord sought to prepare them for it.  If you are facing changes in your life, spend some time looking at these lessons in the first chapter of Joshua:

1.  The Future Belongs to God (Joshua 1:1-5)

2.  We Must Trust and Obey Him (Joshua 1:6-7)

3.  Success Comes from Meditating on God’s Unchanging Word (Joshua 1:8-9)

You can read the entire message here.