How could so much music come from one little town? Thanks to built-up frequent flyer miles, I visited Salzburg, Austria, earlier this month, accompanied by my daughter, Victoria, and granddaughter, Christiana, who is fourteen. This picturesque little town on the outskirts of the Alps is the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the home of the Von Trapp Family singers, and the birthplace of Josef Mohr, the author of the words of our beloved Christmas carol, Silent Night, which was first sung in nearby village of Oberndorf. Over the next week or so, I’d like to present a series of picture-blogs on the Sounds of Salzburg, beginning today with some general photographs I snapped of this beautiful town on the Salzach River. Towering over the Old City Centre is the Salzburg Fortress, and just beyond that is Untersberg Mountain and its cable car. Just beyond that are the breathtaking Alps. If you make it to Salzburg, here are some of the sights.