I use an old Timex watch with two dials to track the time zones when traveling. It’s also emblematic of the problem many of us are facing nowadays—of having twice as much work as we should do. But I found encouragement today in Acts 1:7, when Jesus said the times and seasons are set by the Father’s authority.
Our Lord’s was referring to the times and seasons of history. But that implies the Father also appoints our personal times and seasons, that He has a perfectly-ordained plan for our calendars and clocks, for our moments and our days. The Bible teaches that our times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15).
Let me leave you with lines from two different hymns. Josiah Conder wrote:
Thou my daily task shalt give; / Day by day to Thee I live.
And hymnist Darley Terry said:
My daily task Thou shalt assign; / For heart and will and life are Thine.
PS (Practical Suggestion) – As you conclude your devotions each morning, prayerfully make a simple agenda for the day, including two or three items that seem most important to accomplish. Go into the day with that simple, prayerful plan, do your best, and at the end of the day leave the “undone” with the Lord.