The Fasination of Hymn Stories

Why do I love the stories behind the hymns?

  1. They provide snapshot biographies of creative Christians from past generations.
  2. They are real entertainment; these stories are sometimes stranger than fiction.
  3. They enrich the singing of our hymns and keep alive the traditions of our hymnody.
  4. They show me how to worship God during upturns and downturns in life.
  5. They remind me that the Christian family is very broad.  One of my favorite hymns, for example, “When Morning Gilds the Skies,” was written by German Catholics, a group with which I have little in common–except this hymn.

To rediscover the world of the hymnists, check out my books

  • Then Sings My Soul
  • Then Sings My Soul Book 2
  • Then Sings My Soul Keepsake Edition
  • Then Sings My Soul Special Edition
  • Jesus Loves Me This I Know
  • Come, Let Us Adore Him

PS – There’s still time to order for Mother’s Day!