This has been a draining week, and I awoke this morning in the lowest spirits I’ve felt in a long time. I was later than usually getting to my Quiet Time, but I dutifully started reading where I left off yesterday, near the end of 1 Corinthians 14. Coming to chapter 15, I started reading about Easter—1 Corinthians 15 is called the “Resurrection Chapter” of the Bible. I noticed an item in verse 5: The risen Christ appeared to Peter.
This thought came to me: My mood is not as hopeless as Peter’s on the Saturday of Crucifixion week. My despair is not as deep. My pain is not as great. My loss is not as severe. My circumstances are not as crushing.
It turned out all right for Peter, and it will for us. The realities of the risen Christ mean that problems are temporary and that better days are ahead. On difficult days, one must focus on the Risen Christ.
PS – For further encouragement, there is a very uplifting article on the front page of today’s New York Times. Composer Elliott Carter celebrated his 100th birthday last night at Carnegie Hall, and the program included a 17-minute piece for piano and orchestra that he composed last year, at age 98. In fact, since turing 90, Mr. Carter has poured out more than 40 published pieces. Maybe we’re not as old as we think we are! Maybe there’s still lots of fresh surges up in our minds and down in our hearts. You can read the entire article here: