Some time ago in England, I purchased a biography of King George III by Christopher Hibbert. George III loved going out of London, to his home at Windsor Castle. Sometimes while there, he’d take off by himself on long walks, and occasionally he would surprise the neighbors by popping into their homes. One day King George walked into a barn, and there was a woman milking a cow. She had no idea that he was king. He asked her where all the other laborers and farm workers had gone. They had all gone to see the King, she said, adding, “I wouldn’t give a pin to see him. Besides the fools will lose a day’s work by it, and that is more than I can afford to do. I have five children to work for.”
Taking some coins from his pocket, George gave them to her. “Well, then,” he said, “you may tell your companions who were gone to see the King, that the King came to see you.”
And that’s just what God did at Christmas. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords came to see us. It’s just as real as that, and just as delightful. May the Lord give you a blessed Christmas week!