Galatians 1:1-5

Hokkaido, Japan – I’ve been very encouraged the last couple of days by the first paragraph of Galatians. Everything is there. If you’re looking for a sermon outline or devotional study, go no further. Paul’s salutation to the Galatians is masterful. Consider the elements He covers.

1. God’s Purpose: To rescue us from this present evil age (v. 4).
2. God’s Person: The One who gave Himself for our sins (v. 4) and was raised from the dead (v. 1).
3. God’s People: The brothers, the church (v. 2)
4. God’s Provisions: Grace and peace (v. 3)
5. God’s Proclamation: (An apostle… sent… – v 1) – And this is the theme of the whole book of Galatians — the pure and undiluted Gospel with which we are sent to the world.
6. God’s Praise: To whom be glory forever and ever amen (v. 5).

So the Lord sent Jesus Christ to give Himself for our sins and to rise again. The reason–that we might be rescued from this present evil age. This will fully happen when we go to heaven, but until then He has placed us in His church, given us all the grace and peace we’ll ever need, and assigned us a mission of proclaiming His Pure Gospel. For all that, He receives all our praise.

Everything is there, in Galatians 1:1-5!