Here in Prague I’ve been trying to soak up the influence of John Hus. Here’s an easy (and overgeneralized) way to think of Hus and the Reformation.
- John Wycliffe – 1300s (England)
- John Hus – 1400s (Bohemia / Czech Republic)
- Martin Luther – 1500s (Germany)
These three men spearheaded the rediscovery of Gospel Truth in Europe — Grace Alone! Faith Alone! Scripture Alone! — and each paved the way for the next. Today Ethan and I visited the home and church of John Hus in Prague. On the wall were pictures of these three men and this terrific quote:
Wycliffe struck the spark. Hus lit up the candle. Luther wielded the torch.
Alongside the quote was an old painting of the three men. Here are some pictures related to John Hus of Bohemia, one of the most important figures in pre-Reformation Church History.