Japanese Journal

Hokkaido, Japan I spent the morning at the Bishop’s house in Ebetsu tacking emails and […]

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Galatians 1:1-5

Hokkaido, Japan – I’ve been very encouraged the last couple of days by the first […]

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Greetings from Hokkaido

Starting tomorrow I’m speaking at a missionary retreat in a center in the mountains here […]

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Lucy Update, and Off to Japan

I’m writing this at 3:30 am as I’m about to shut down my keyboard and […]

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Taking a Stand on the Bus

My favorite story in today’s newspapers comes from the London Daily Mail, and it’s an […]

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A Sick Sheep

I found Lucy the Sheep unable to get up yesterday, and I fretted about her […]

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Not for Nothing: A Book Idea

During my devotions this morning, I started sketching down an idea for a book, as […]

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He Shall Be Called

Several years ago, there came into my possession a little book that had belonged to […]

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Yesterday, And An Ouline for the Prologue of John

I’m so grateful for yesterday!  We had terrific services, good attendance, an encouraging baptism, a […]

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It’s Starting to Sound a Lot Like Revelation

The headline of today’s SciTech page on Fox News warns:  “Powerful Solar Storm Could Shut […]

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Deer Me

This morning I awoke early and rather discouraged, mainly from yesterday’s doctor’s appointment about my […]

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Talking About Our Problems

In his book, Prescription for Anxiety, Leslie D. Weatherhead warns against the compulsion to tell […]

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