Outline: How Would You Describe Your Church?

If you were asked to describe your church, what phrases would you use?  In 1 Peter 2, the apostle Peter (who had helped launch the era of the church with his sermon on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2)  uses eight phrases to describe the Lord’s church on this planet, and each word of each phrase is terribly inportant.  We are:

  1. Living stones – verse 5
  2. A spiritual house – verse 5
  3. A holy priesthood – verse 5
  4. A chosen generation – verse 9
  5. A royal priesthood – verse 9
  6. A holy nation – verse 9
  7. His own special people – verse 9
  8. The people of God – verse 10

And Peter gives us two great reasons for our existence on this earth.

  1. To offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ – verse 5
  2. That you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light – verse 10

You can hammer out a powerful sermon or Bible lesson (or a series of them) from Peter’s view of your church and mine, here in 1 Peter 2.  Check it out.