Some churches baptize or christen babies, but in the church I pastor we “dedicate” children to the Lord. Over the years, I’ve lost track of how many babies I’ve held in my arms as I knelt at the altar and prayed for God’s blessing on that child. It’s one of the sweetest moments in our services at The Donelson Fellowship (even if the baby is bawling at the time!).
Recently our TDF staff suggested we use the occasion to help families better appreciate the process of child dedication and of empowering parents to better raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The result was a little 14-page booklet with a Norman Rockwell painting on the cover. Entitled Dedicating Your Children to Christ, it provides a brief study for individual or group use on the two great examples of child dedication in the Bible (Hannah with Samuel at Shiloh and Joseph and Mary with Jesus in the temple), and talks about the three powerful habits for effective parenting as outlined in Deuteronomy 6. It also discusses the important inter-relationship between God, home, and church, and ends with some practical suggestions and assurances for parents.
These booklets are available for bulk acquisition for pastors, staff members, churches, and parents.
Every church and denomination has its own way of hallowing the beginning of life and celebrating the birth of children. This booklet is designed to give pastors and churches that “dedicate” children a simple tool for training parents and families so that the full benefit might be gained for the little ones God has given us for His glory.
For more information or to order, click here.