I’m so grateful for yesterday! We had terrific services, good attendance, an encouraging baptism, a baby dedication, and several people who joined the church. Last night’s annual church conference went smooth as silk, and we’re off to a good start in our year-long project of memorizing 100 verses.
I wanted to give the outline for the passage I used yesterday morning on the prologue of John. This is one of the greatest preambles in all of human literature. My outline here is not a strict exegetical outline, and I didn’t want to simply repeat what I had said about this passage during last fall’s series of sermons on the Trinity. So I prepared a devotional outline that covers the passage, emphasizing the “One and Only” nature of Christ referred to in vv. 14 & 18.
Scripture: John 1:1-18
Introduction: The Lord Jesus is the One and Only…
1. God Who Made Us (vv. 1-3)
2. Life Who Sustains Us (v. 4a)
3. Light that Illumines Us (vv. 4-5)
4. Message that Excites us (vv. 6-9)
5. Savior who Redeems Us (vv. 10-13)
6. Friend Who Accompanies Us (v. 14)
7. Lord Who Surpasses Us (v. 15)
8. Son Who Blesses Us (vv. 16-18)
Conclusion: There’s no one like Him!
PS – For a complete written text of the message, click here.