It’s Later Than We Think

In the category of It’s Later Than You Think, I’m going to quote verbatim from an column by Soeren Kern on the website of the Hudson Institute. It supports my contention that Europe is being Islamized far faster than anyone could have imagined, and that many European leaders are hastening the process. I cannot understand it. Would you want to live under a system that oppresses women, persecutes Christians, destroys Jews, and denies freedom of expression? If Islam is the false religion of the last days, and if Europe is a player in biblical prophecy, than the times are reaching their fulfillment. Here are some excerpts from the article, and make sure you don’t miss the last paragraph (and if the imam is successful, don’t think the word “Christian” will stay in the hyphenation very long).

Spain Goes on a Mosque-Building Spree

Churches Forced to Close

The city of Barcelona… has agreed to build an official mega-mosque with a capacity for thousands of Muslim worshipers. The new structure would rival the massive Islamic Cultural Center in Madrid, currently the biggest mosque in Spain. An official in the office of the Mayor of Barcelona says the objective is to increase the visibility of Muslims in Spain, as well as to promote the “common values between Islam and Europe.”

The Barcelona mosque project is just one of dozens of new mosques that are in various stages of construction across Spain. Overall, there are now thirteen mega-mosques in Spain, and more than 1000 smaller mosques and prayer centers scattered across the country….

The Muslim building spree reflects the rising influence of Islam in Spain, where the Muslim population has jumped to an estimated 1.5 million in 2010, up from just 100,000 in 1990, thanks to massive immigration. The construction of new mosques comes at a time when municipalities linked to the Socialist Party have closed dozens of Christian churches across Spain by way of new zoning laws that several courts have now ruled discriminatory and unconstitutional….

The idea to build a mega-mosque funded by Spanish taxpayers comes after Noureddine Ziani, a Barcelona-based Moroccan imam, said the construction of big mosques would be the best way to fight Islamic fundamentalism in Spain….

In Córdoba, Muslims are demanding that the Spanish government allow them to worship in the main cathedral…. Muslims hope to recreate the ancient city of Córdoba as a pilgrimage site for Muslims throughout Europe….

At the same time, Noureddine Ziani, the Moroccan imam, says it is absolutely necessary to accept Islamic values as European values. He also says that from now on, Europeans should replace the term “Judeo-Christian” with term “Islamo-Christian” when describing Western Civilization.